Traveling with children
Planning a vacation with the kids? No problem — everyone is welcome at SAS. We will always do our best to make your trip a pleasure. To make your journey run more smoothly we offer some extra services when traveling with children.
Good to know
Infants (0-2) travel at no charge or with a 90% discount, depending on the destination, when sitting in the lap of another person.
Children (2–11) who travel with a person over age 16 get a discount of up to 25%, depending on the destination, price and booking class.
An infant is at least seven days old but has not yet turned two.
He or she can travel on your lap on any flight.
Alternatively, your infant can travel on the seat next to you. In this case, you will need to buy a child ticket and bring an approved child safety seat / car seat for your child to use.
If your child will turn two during your trip, you'll need to book a child ticket both ways.
Please note that other rules may apply if you're traveling on other airlines.
At SAS you are considered a child if you are older than 2 but have not yet turned 12 years old (2–11).
A child can travel in company of another person who is over 16 years old.
Children older than 2 years must travel with a child ticket, be seated in their own seat and travel with an adult.
A child sometimes needs to travel on their own. For these occasions we have our Unaccompanied Minor service. SAS offers an Unaccompanied minor service for children age 5–17 on flights within Scandinavia and age 5–15 on European and most other flights.
Children age 5–11 are required to use the service.
For children age 12–17 the service is voluntary.
Kids can also earn points and enjoy the many benefits of being a member of SAS EuroBonus
As a EuroBonus member, your child can collect points and use them for award trips, hotel accommodations and other offers.
Children enjoy generous discounts on award trips on SAS and Wideroe.
We always ensure before departure that children sit together with an adult included in the booking.